Praca Egzaminator Polska. Znaleziono 56 ofert pracy.

  • Nauczyciel Egzaminator

    SZKOŁA W CHMURZE SP. Z O.O. PL, 51.24645, 22.56845, lublin, lubelskie, Lublin 3 miesiące temu
    Głównym zadaniem, do którego aktualnie poszukujemy nauczycieli jest przeprowadzanie zdalnych egzaminów ustnych dla uczniów będących w systemie edukacji domowej w Szkole w Chmurze. Poszukujemy nauczycieli z uprawnieniami do nauczania przedmiotów: ● Informatyki ● EDB ● Historii ● HIT-u Nasze wymagania...
  • Nauczyciel Egzaminator

    SZKOŁA W CHMURZE SP. Z O.O. PL, 53.80234, 20.41701, olsztyn, warmińsko-mazurskie, Olsztyn 3 miesiące temu
    Głównym zadaniem, do którego aktualnie poszukujemy nauczycieli jest przeprowadzanie zdalnych egzaminów ustnych dla uczniów będących w systemie edukacji domowej w Szkole w Chmurze. Poszukujemy nauczycieli z uprawnieniami do nauczania przedmiotów: ● Informatyki ● EDB ● Historii ● HIT-u Nasze wymagania...
  • Nauczyciel Egzaminator

    SZKOŁA W CHMURZE SP. Z O.O. PL, 50.81739, 19.11853, częstochowa, śląskie, Częstochowa 3 miesiące temu
    Głównym zadaniem, do którego aktualnie poszukujemy nauczycieli jest przeprowadzanie zdalnych egzaminów ustnych dla uczniów będących w systemie edukacji domowej w Szkole w Chmurze. Poszukujemy nauczycieli z uprawnieniami do nauczania przedmiotów: ● Informatyki ● EDB ● Historii ● HIT-u Nasze wymagania...
  • Nauczyciel Egzaminator

    SZKOŁA W CHMURZE SP. Z O.O. PL, 50.73416, 17.90516, opole, opolskie, Opole 4 miesiące temu
    Głównym zadaniem, do którego aktualnie poszukujemy nauczycieli jest przeprowadzanie zdalnych egzaminów ustnych dla uczniów będących w systemie edukacji domowej w Szkole w Chmurze. Poszukujemy nauczycieli z uprawnieniami do nauczania przedmiotów: ● Informatyki ● EDB ● Historii ● HIT-u Nasze wymagania...
  • T Level - Craft and Design - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    As we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildin...
  • GCE AS Level Music Technology - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    As we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildin...
  • GCE A Level - ENGLISH LITERATURE (2016 Specification) - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    As we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildin...
  • Examiner - International Advanced Level - French (2016 specification)

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    An International Advanced Level French Examiner marks candidates' responses in accordance with the pre-defined mark scheme, whilst adhering to conditions of recognition and examination procedures. Most subjects will be marked onscreen using ePEN, which can be done from home. A few subjects are still...
  • iAL - Greek (2016 Specification) - Chair of Examiners

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    pAs we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildi...
  • iAL - Spanish (New Specification) - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    pAs we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildi...
  • iAL - ENGLISH LANGUAGE (2016 Specification) - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    As we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildin...
  • GCE A Level - Greek (2018 Specification) - Chair of Examiners

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    pAs we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildi...
  • iPrimary iLowerSecondary - Computing - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    pAs we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildi...
  • iAL - Information Technology - Principal Examiner

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    pAs we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildi...
  • Principal Examiner GCSE Religious Studies B

    London, United Kingdom 3 miesiące temu
    pAs we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildi...
  • International GCSE - Mathematics - Principal Examiner 4PM1

    London, United Kingdom 4 miesiące temu
    As we continue to transition to a digital environment, we know that it's essential to revisit and update our approaches to assessment delivery. Our aim is to create a more modern assessment delivery system that sets us up for the future, supports our Senior Associates better in their role by buildin...