Praca Auto Test Analyst Polska. Znaleziono 80 ofert pracy.

  • Auto Damage Trainee

    Albuquerque, United States 3 miesiące temu
    pAuto Damage Trainee - Albuquerque/Rio Rancho/Bernalillo/Los Lunas, NMbrSalary: Starting pay rate varies based upon position and location. Ask your Recruiter for details!brbrAccidents can be scary, and our Auto Damage team rises to the occasion to provide unparalleled customer service when our custo...
  • Auto Liability Claim Rep Trainee

    United States 3 miesiące temu
    pWho Are We?brbrTaking care of our customers, our communities and each other. That's the (COMPANY NAME) Promise. By honoring this commitment, we have maintained our reputation as one of the best property casualty insurers in the industry for over 160 years. Join us to discover a culture that is root...
  • Equipe CEM - Stage Double Pulse test bench

    France 3 miesiące temu
    p(COMPANY NAME) is a tech global company, designing breakthrough solutions to reinvent the mobility. We are an automotive supplier partner to automakers and new mobility actors worldwide. Our vision? Invent a greener and more secured mobility, thanks to solutions focusing on intuitive driving and re...
  • Ingénieur Test - Electronique de puissance - Moyenne Tension

    Grenoble, France 3 miesiące temu
    p(COMPANY NAME) propose un poste d'ingénieur en test électronique de puissance moyenne tension à Grenoble, en France.brLe poste est basé à Grenoble sur notre site Technopole 38TEC, magnifique site intégrant des équipes RD et des laboratoires.brVous rejoindrez (COMPANY NAME), et sa division Power Sys...
  • Operaio riparatore di parabrezza per auto Junior

    Pavia, Italy 3 miesiące temu
    p(COMPANY NAME) Explora sta cercando un Operaio riparatore di parabrezza per auto Junior, per azienda con sede a Vigevano (PV) che svolge attività di sostituzione/riparazione di vetri per auto.brSei alla ricerca di un'opportunità di crescita professionale in un ambiente dinamico e stimolante? Allora...
  • Auto Express Claim Rep Trainee

    Buffalo, United States 3 miesiące temu
    pWho Are We?brbrTaking care of our customers, our communities and each other. That's the (COMPANY NAME) Promise. By honoring this commitment, we have maintained our reputation as one of the best property casualty insurers in the industry for over 160 years. Join us to discover a culture that is root...
  • Operator CNC prasy krawędziowej, komunikatywny niemiecki i auto, Weimar wschodnie Niemcy

    PolFach Polnische Facharbeiter Magdalena Reinhardt , Weimar, Erfurt, Jena, 3 miesiące temu
    Operator CNC prasy krawędziowej, komunikatywny niemiecki i auto, Weimar wschodnie Niemcy Niemiecka Agencja Pracy PolFach,, poszukuje na zlecenie niemieckiego pracodawcy do miasta Weimar: Operatorów CNC prasy krawędziowej. Wymagane doświadczenie zawodowe, komunikatywna znajom...
  • Meccanico / preparatore auto - Milano Nord

    Milan, Italy 3 miesiące temu
    pSei un appassionato di motori e desideri lavorare nel settore dell'automotive? Hai esperienza come preparatore auto o meccanico e sei alla ricerca di una nuova sfida professionale? Allora questa opportunità potrebbe essere perfetta per te!brbrStiamo cercando un/a preparatore auto/meccanico per un'a...
  • Operator CNC prasy krawędziowej, komunikatywny niemiecki i auto, Weimar wschodnie Niemcy

    PolFach Polnische Facharbeiter Magdalena Reinhardt , Jena, Erfurt, Weimar, 3 miesiące temu
    Operator CNC prasy krawędziowej, komunikatywny niemiecki i auto, Weimar wschodnie Niemcy Niemiecka Agencja Pracy PolFach,, poszukuje na zlecenie niemieckiego pracodawcy do miasta Weimar: Operatorów CNC prasy krawędziowej. Wymagane doświadczenie zawodowe, komunikatywna znajom...
  • Meccanico Auto

    Italy 3 miesiące temu
    Sei un meccanico auto? Hai una passione per il mondo dell'automobile e un'esperienza consolidata nel settore? Allora questa opportunità potrebbe essere quella che stai cercando!Stiamo cercando un meccanico auto esperto per un'azienda operante nel settore automobilistico. Sei la persona che stiamo ce...
  • Meccanico Auto - Milano

    Milan, Italy 3 miesiące temu
    pSe stai cercando un percorso di carriera affascinante e sfidante, a contatto uno dei marchi più innovativi del settore auto/moto, questa è la tua occasione!brbrPer nostro partner con sede a MILANO cerchiamo un Meccanico Auto SeniorbrbrSotto la supervisione del Capo Officina e dell'Accettatore, la r...
  • Multi-Line Auto Damage Trainee

    United States 3 miesiące temu
    pMulti-line Adjuster - Miami/Ft Lauderdale/Palm Beach, FLbr*Starting pay rate varies based upon position and location. Ask your Recruiter for details!brbrWe are looking for a highly motivated and service-oriented individual to join our Multi-line Damage team as a Multi-line Adjuster Trainee! As an a...
  • Multi-Line Auto Damage Trainee

    United States 3 miesiące temu
    pMulti-line Adjuster - Ft Myers/Sarasota, FL br*Starting pay rate varies based upon position and location. Ask your Recruiter for details!brbrWe are looking for a highly motivated and service-oriented individual to join our Multi-line Damage team as a Multi-line Adjuster Trainee! As an ambassador fo...
  • Test Job WhatsApp Recruiting

    Munich, Germany 3 miesiące temu
    pUnternehmensbeschreibung:brbr(COMPANY NAME), 1967 gegründet, ist die einzige Strategieberatung europäischer Herkunft mit einer starken internationalen Präsenz. Wir unterstützen international bedeutende Industrie- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen sowie öffentliche Institutionen in allen Fragen der Unt...
  • Auto Damage Trainee

    Lubbock, United States 3 miesiące temu
    pAuto Damage Trainee - Lubbock, TXbrSalary: $22.83 per hour / $46,000 annuallybrbrAccidents can be scary, and our Auto Damage team rises to the occasion to provide unparalleled customer service when our customers need us the most. We're looking for Auto Damage Trainees in Lubbock, TX who are motivat...
  • Multi-Line Auto Damage Trainee

    Memphis, United States 3 miesiące temu
    pMulti-line Adjuster - Memphis/Nashville, TN br*Starting pay rate varies based upon position and location. Ask your Recruiter for details!brbrWe are looking for a highly motivated and service-oriented individual to join our Multi-line Damage team as a Multi-line Adjuster Trainee! As an ambassador fo...
  • Especialista de Operación y Servicio - Siniestros Autos

    Mexico City, Mexico 3 miesiące temu
    pCompany:brMarshbrbrDescription:brbrESPECIALISTA DE OPERACIÓN Y SERVICIO - SINIESTROS AUTOSbrbr¿Qué hay en Marsh para ti?br * Una empresa con una marca sólida y resultados sólidos a la * Oportunidad de interactuar con otras áreas del negocio de Marsh para comprender el alcance total de la
  • Tecnico installatore vetri auto-profilo junior

    Italy 3 miesiące temu
    pPer azienda cliente di sostituzione e riparazione cristalli auto siamo alla ricerca di una risorsa junior da inserire come tecnico installatore.brbrRequisiti richiesti:br-Conoscenza generale e dimestichezza con gli attrezzi da banco (cacciaviti, pinze, chiavi inglesi, brugole, trapani, avvitatori);...
  • Auto Damage Trainee

    Philadelphia, United States 3 miesiące temu
    pAuto Damage Trainee - Philadelphia, PAbrSalary: $26.80 per hour / $54,000 annually brbrAccidents can be scary, and our Auto Damage team rises to the occasion to provide unparalleled customer service when our customers need us the most. We're looking for Auto Damage Trainees in Philadelphia, PA who
  • Multi-Line Auto Damage Trainee

    United States 3 miesiące temu
    pMulti-line Adjuster - Oklahoma City, OKbrSalary: $22.83 per hour / $46,000 annuallybrbrWe are looking for a highly motivated and service-oriented individual to join our Multi-line Damage team as a Multi-line Adjuster Trainee! As an ambassador for (COMPANY NAME)'s renowned customer service, you will...