Praca grafik z orzeczeniem Dąbrowa górnicza. Znaleziono 107 ofert pracy.

  • Test Automation Engineer B2B

    Reply Polska Sp. z o. o. PL, 50.31013, 19.28159, dąbrowa-górnicza, śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza 8 dni temu
    Responsibilities You are a member of a team working for a dedicated customer in the German financial or insurance industry. You work with the customer to analyze project requirements and define testing needs. Design & Develop test automated scripts in the ...
  • Test Architect UoP

    Reply Polska Sp. z o. o. PL, 50.31013, 19.28159, dąbrowa-górnicza, śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza 11 dni temu
    Responsibilities You are a member of a team working for a client in the German finance or insurance industry. You will advise our customers on the strategic (re-)alignment and conception of their software testing. Based on established models for test ...
  • Test Automation Engineer UoP

    Reply Polska Sp. z o. o PL, 50.31013, 19.28159, dąbrowa-górnicza, śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza 17 dni temu
    Responsibilities You are a member of a team working for a dedicated customer in the German financial or insurance industry. You work with the customer to analyze project requirements and define testing needs. Design & Develop test automated scripts in the ...
  • Senior Java Developer UoP

    Reply Polska Sp. z o. o. PL, 50.31013, 19.28159, dąbrowa-górnicza, śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza 20 dni temu
    Responsibilities You take on technical responsibility and are significantly involved in the planning and development of our software solutions. With your great technical expertise, you will work together with your colleagues in agile teams and with the ...
  • Senior Java Developer B2B

    Reply Polska Sp. z o. o. PL, 50.31013, 19.28159, dąbrowa-górnicza, śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza 20 dni temu
    Responsibilities You take on technical responsibility and are significantly involved in the planning and development of our software solutions. With your great technical expertise, you will work together with your colleagues in agile teams and with the ...

    Eurokadra , Dąbrowa Górnicza, 26 dni temu
    ... lub wyślij wiadomość. Nasi pracownicy z działu Rekrutacji są dostępni od ...

    STALMED spółka z o.o. Śląskie, Dąbrowa Górnicza, miesiąc temu
    Zatrudnimy od zaraz na stanowiskach: SPAWACZ ŚLUSARZ POMOCNIK PRACOWNIKÓW niewykwalifikowanych (do przeszkolenia) do pracy w przemyśle hutniczym, na pełne etaty. PRACA na terenie Huty Katowice, Dąbrowa Górnicza. Zapewniamy: Umowę o pracę, szkolenia ...